[satus Inc] Group Gift Multi-Vendor 728×90

Teleport Hub Advertising Service

Buy Ads

Thank you for your interest in our Advertising Program. Perhaps, you are asking yourself these questions: How do I promote my business, brand name, product, club, or events? How do I bring people to the event? How to effectively announce the Event Opening? You are at the right place. We have answers to those questions for you.

Teleport Hub is one of the fastest-growing websites for Second Life® Fans out there. We have a large number of viewers daily who visit our website to look for the latest freebies, group gifts, sale/promo deals, events, and hunt information. We are confident that we can help you to achieve your goal. At a cost as low as renting a small piece of land in Second Life® starting from 300 $L, you can effectively get your name out there and generate much more cash revenue or just simply attract people to your club & events. We ranked our Ads Package P, S, A, B, C, and D based on their effectiveness.


Package PPackage SPackage APackage BPackage CPackage D

Package P: Top of The Line Ad

Package S

Type of Ad: Exclusive
Location of Ad: The banner is inside and above the content of each post we have. 100% guarantee exposure to thousands of visitors each day.
Size of Banner: 728 x 90 pixels
Visibility Ratings: A+++
Multiple Ads Rotation: Supported up to 10 AD rotations.

– 3000 L$ / 1 week
– 6000 L$ / 2 weeks
– 10,800 L$ / 1 month (discount 10% – Save 1200 L$ – Regular 12000 L$)
– 30,600 L$ / 3 months (discount 15% – Save 5400 L$ – Regular 36000 L$)
– More than 3 months – discount 20%

Package S: Extremely Effective – Super Value

Package S

Type of Ad: Exclusive
Location of Ad: Top banner next to our site logo on every page. Always the first thing visitors see before they see the content.
Size of Banner: 728 x 90 pixels
Visibility Ratings: A++ (always first thing visitors see)
Multiple Ads Rotation: Supported up to 10 AD rotations.

– 3000 L$ / 1 week
– 6000 L$ / 2 weeks
– 10,800 L$ / 1 month (discount 10% – Save 1200 L$ – Regular 12000 L$)
– 30,600 L$ / 3 months (discount 15% – Save 5400 L$ – Regular 36000 L$)
– More than 3 months – discount 20%

Package A: Extremely Effective – Awesome Value

300x250 Package A

Type of Ad: Exclusive
Location of Ad: Top Right Side Bar on every page/post including home page. There are four Package A Ad slots that guarantee visibility. Package A Ads are always above Package B Ads area.
Size of Banner: 300 x 250 pixels
Visibility Ratings: A+ (right next to the important content)
Multiple Ads Rotation: Supported up to 10 AD rotations.

– 1500 L$ / 1 week
– 3000 L$ / 2 weeks
– 5400 L$ / 1 month (discount 10% – Save 600 L$ – Regular 6000 L$)
– 15,300 L$ / 3 months (discount 15% – Save 2700 L$ – Regular 18000 L$)
– More than 3 months – discount 20%

Package B: Highly Effective – Awesome Value

300x250 Package B

Type of Ad: Exclusive
Location of Ad: Right Side Bar on every page/post including home page. Similar to Package A but the Ad is not at the top area of the sidebar (just below the 3 Package A slots). There are multiple Package B slots along the sidebar. First comes first serves.
Size of Banner: 300 x 250 pixels
Visibility Ratings: A (right next to our content)
Multiple Ads Rotation: Supported up to 10 AD rotations.

– 1000 L$ / 1 week
– 2000 L$ / 2 weeks
– 3600 L$ / 1 month (discount 10% – Save 400 L$ – Regular 4000 L$
– 10,200 L$ / 3 months (discount 15% – Save 1800 L$ – Regular 12000 L$)
– More than 3 months – discount 20%

Package C: Highly Effective – Best Saving Value

728x90 Package D

Type of Ad: Exclusive
Location of Ad: Bottom of each post/article.
Size of Banner: 728 x 90 pixels
Visibility Ratings: B++ (in every post)
Multiple Ads Rotation: Supported up to 5 AD rotations.

– 500 L$ / 1 week
– 1000 L$ / 2 weeks
– 1800 L$ / 1 month (discount 10% – Save 200 L$ – Regular 2000 L$)
– 5100 L$ / 3 months (discount 15% – Save 900 L$ – Regular 6000 L$)
– More than 3 months – discount 20%

Package D: Effective and Extreme Saving Value

728x90 Package D

Type of Ad: Exclusive
Location of Ad: Front/Main page only – In between categories section. First come, first-served basis
Number of Ad: 1 Ad
Size of Banner: 728 x 90 pixels
Visibility Ratings: C (front page only and in between content)
Multiple Ads Rotation: Supported up to 5 AD rotations.


– 300 $L / 1 week
– 600 $L / 2 weeks
– 1080 $L / 1 month (discount 10% – Save 120 L$ – Regular 1200 L$)
– 3060 $L / 3 months (discount 15% – Save 540 L$ – Regular 3600 L$)
– More than 3 months – discount 20%


Buy AdsRenew AdChange The Ad ImagesAdvertising Service Rules

1. Please Email info@teleporthub.com & inquire about the Ad Program. Please tell us:

+ The Advertising Package you want to buy (P, S, A, B, C, or D).
+ Duration (1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, or more). There will be discount offers for the Ad with more than one-month duration.
+ The link or SURL for your Ad banner.
+ Image files of your Ad (JPG, or GIF format only) based on the Ad size offered for the Ad Package. We support up to 10 Ad Rotations. Please check the Advertising Package info for more details.

2. We will check, approve your Ad, and then send you an invoice so that you can pay.

3. You can now pay for the Ad. The payment needs to be in Linden Dollar and to the person we mentioned in the email.

4. Reply to our Email and notify us. We will then check the transaction and set up the Ad.

5. You will receive an Email or Confirmation notecard in-world along with the Ad Expiration Date information.

1. You will receive an invoice or message asking for a renewal. You can make changes to the invoice by replying to us. If you haven’t received an invoice for renewal, please contact us at least 3 days before the Expiration Date and ask about the Ad renewal.

2. We will confirm and send you an invoice for payment.

3. You can now pay for the Ad. The payment needs to be in Linden Dollar and to the person we mentioned in the email or message.

4. Reply to our Email and notify us. We then check the transaction and extend the Ad.

5. You will receive an Email or Confirmation Notecard in-world along with the new Ad Expiration Date information.

If you would like to change your Ad, please contact us and send us the new Ad image you want to change by email info@teleporthub.com. We will then switch the Ad banner for you.

1. Teleport Hub reserves the right to refuse any Buy Ad request that is inappropriate.

2. Ad Image cannot contain adult content that depicts sexual intercourse, nude, pornographic, and hateful messages.

3. Ad Image cannot be bigger than the Ad size for your Ad Package.

4. Ad Link cannot lead to immediate adult content, nude, pornographic, and hateful messages. [the first page the viewer will see after clicking on your Ad at TeleportHub.com]


Our site is being tracked independently by Google Analytics, Quantcast, and others. Statistics can be hard to understand or different at each site. However, in general, we have about 1500 to 2000 unique visitors per day from all over the world. They view about 9000 to 13000 pages per day. So you can expect to expose the Advertising to the same amount of visitors and page views each day, week, or month. You can check the statistics by yourself here:

Flag Counter: http://s05.flagcounter.com/more/GkGg/ (most complete data)

Quantcast (TM): https://www.quantcast.com/teleporthub.com?qcLocale=en_US (data since 2017)

- Advertisement A -
WIP Event Package A 300×250 Ad

Sense Event Package A 300×250 Ad

WOW Event Ad Package A 300×250

- Advertisement B -
Miix Event Package B 300×250

- Advertisement -
[satus Inc] Gavin Outdoor Lounger 300×250
[satus Inc] Tufted French Floor Cushion 300×250

